Illustrated Catalogue of English Table Glass

manufactured by

Stevens & Williams

Brierley Hill Glas Works, Near Stourbridge.
London Offices and Showrooms:- Bath House, 59 Holborn Viaduct, E.C.
85904 - Mark & Moody Ltd., Printers, Stourbridge.

With Wholesale Prices

{Glass-Study: Rakow library list the following title: Description books, no. 33-36, ware 38108-42889, Nov. 2, 1907 - July 11, 1911.}

Stevens and Williams, Stourbridge, UK
Results 1 - 10 of 137
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Stevens & Williams - English Table Glass c.1907-20

34967 - Intagliod Whisky Flask

Page 5 1 size no dimensions...

Product details

37181 - Decorated Bowl

Page 8 4 sizes 4 inches to 8 ins.

Product details

36518 - Jug

Page 1 6 sizes ½ pint to 2...

Product details

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